Will writing service for complete peace of mind
Choosing the type of will that is right for you and your circumstances can be difficult, and writing one can be even harder.
At Friis and Radstone we look to make the process as easy as possible so you can be confident that when the time comes, everything has been taken care of and that your loved ones avoid any difficult legal situations later on.
After you Will is signed we can arrange for its existence to be registered at Certainty.com, the National Wills Register. There will be a small additional one-off cost for this service.
To prepare a Will call us now on
01438 741 001 ask to speak to Linda
Power of attorney
Sometimes we need others to take care of our financial affairs, and to be given the legal authority to do so.
Lasting power of attorney allows you to do this by nominating individuals to take over control of your financial affairs should you become incapable of dealing with these yourself. The major benefit of a lasting power of attorney is simply that the people you trust will be allowed to do what is needed on your behalf when the situation arises.
This can include paying bills, claiming benefits, and buying or selling property.
You can also specify what type of care and treatment you would prefer in the event that you were unable to make your own decisions.
Single and mirror wills available
Single wills are designed for one person only. You will have the ability to appoint executors of your estate, who will deal with property sales and management, to specify gifts and possessions to be given to individuals who will inherit the remainder of your estate once all debts have been paid, and appoint guardians to look after children under 18. In addition, you can record any specific wishes regarding your funeral, pets, and charitable donations.
You and your partner may choose to make Wills at the same time to reflect to common wishes. We call these "Mirror" Wills.
01438 741 001; solicitors@friislaw.co.uk